Carbon america

Boulder, CO

“Our view is that it’s really going to take an ‘all of the above’ approach to tackle climate change … carbon capture is an important element here because we actually believe there is an energy transition – we’re not able to turn all of the fossil power plants off overnight unfortunately, so we feel this is a very scalable and critical step through the energy transition that we’re all going through.”

- Brent Lewis, Founder & CEO of Carbon America

Carbon capture, transport, and sequestration for large industrial facilities.

Carbon capture and storage is a critical component of mitigating climate change – especially in offsetting emissions from sources without commercially viable low-carbon alternatives.

Carbon America works with industrial facilities to capture their CO2 and permanently store it before it’s released into the atmosphere. Their project development, technology, implementation and skilled team represents an immediately applicable solution for large emitters to capitalize on tax incentives and mitigate emissions.