Holyoke, MA

“Our goal at Clean Crop is to use our proprietary technology to remove contaminants to ensure more food makes its way through the supply chain more efficiently, more effectively and safely, so that a higher percentage is getting to that end consumer – not getting wasted, and more importantly not in landfills generating methane.”

- Dan White, Co-Founder & CEO of Clean Crop

Reducing food waste, boosting germination rates and increasing crop yield using cold plasma.

In our present food system, 30% of all food produced is wasted because of contamination — creating 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Conventional pasteurization with heat doesn't work for foods like produce or meat and other decontamination techniques are not well suited solutions for nuts and grains, which leads to huge amounts of waste through the supply chain.

Clean Crop uses cold-plasma technology to decontaminate a wide range of foods, like nuts and grains. By extending shelf life through their commercial process, Clean Crop reduces food waste in an energy efficient manner and avoids unnecessary emissions without compromising on quality. Clean Crop is the first to commercialize scalable cold plasma technology to increase crop yield and shelf life without loss of quality, while also being 10X more energy efficient than conventional pasteurization.