San Francisco, CA

“When it came to waste, everyone was frustrated. The businesses were really frustrated that there weren't better solutions for them, consumers were finger pointing at the businesses, and really what was uncovered was that there was a demand from almost all parties involved. We essentially had this idea that we needed to build a new circular infrastructure.”

- Lindsey Hoell, Founder & CEO of Dispatch Goods

Enabling the switch from disposable to reusable packaging through an end-to-end platform at price parity or savings for their customers.

Nearly 1 trillion disposable food packaging items are used each year in the US – 80% of which end up in landfills after a single use. Existing reusable packaging solutions are fragmented and costly, limiting widespread adoption.

By owning each step of the reuse process (including the infrastructure to sort, process and clean reusable packaging), Dispatch Goods is able to offer an end-to-end solution that is simple and favourable for their customers. Their service is cheaper than buying new packaging, leads to higher customer retention, and provides valuable data insights on consumer behaviour. Their solution diverts waste from landfills and reduces manufacturing emissions in the short term, and their scalable model enables other software solutions to grow their circular infrastructure.