A Matter of Perspective

Remember all the people that used to complain all the time about being too busy? Are they the same ones that are now complaining about being stuck at home? I have come to appreciate the people that are looking for the silver lining during this COVID lockdown. For many of us, our busy lives have slowed and the time that we've gained from not traveling everywhere has been replaced with positive activities like: reaching out to old friends, spending more time with our families, enjoying more home-made meals, getting out daily to appreciate nature on a hike or a bike, cleaning up our homes, doing some gardening, sharpening our skills by taking new courses, listening to podcasts and reading books, lending a helping hand to others and generally reflecting on the things that make us truly happy.

Many of us have tightened our budgets; we’ve stopped buying frivolous items or anything that was designed to impress others. We’ve invested to enable our businesses to work more effectively from home. We're enjoying the silence of no airplanes flying overhead. We've appreciated and thanked our vital healthcare, finance and food support systems. We've watched world conflicts slow and better understand how much we are all in this together. I don't mean to trivialize the very real struggles that many are facing due to lost jobs, lost lives, isolation and lost opportunities but for anyone in the fortunate position to be able to realize some of the upsides, I sure hope you are.

I suspect many aspects of life will never go back to exactly what they were before and in some cases, that may be a good thing. We believe it's our job to have an opinion of the future and what the new normal might look like. We hope that many people are thinking about how to be more intentional about the future we want to create. Can we leave some bad practices behind us permanently? Can we add some new priorities like sustainability and inclusiveness after getting this rare new vantage point? We think so. And we are here, ready to invest in the companies that strive to make this possible. 


Leaning In


A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats