jaza energy

Halifax, NS

“We have countless stories of women saying that they never thought their kids would be able to go away to school, and now they’re paying for them to get college educations – these women are now the head of their households.”

- Jeff Schnurr, Founder & CEO of Jaza Energy

reliable and safe power in rural Africa through solar-charged batteries-as-a-service.

There are over 600M people in Africa without reliable access to electricity that pay more than $25B each year on dirty fuels like kerosene. Redirecting this spending towards a clean energy solution holds a huge opportunity, but rooftop solar is prohibitively expensive for the vast majority of them.

Jaza’s solution targets the largest underserved market on the planet with the fastest growing population. Their centrally-located, solar powered battery charging hubs reduce GHG emissions while providing safe and consistent energy without centralized grid infrastructure. By empowering both their employees and customers, Jaza is able to foster long-term relationships with all members of the communities they operate in.