
Washington, DC

“For Future to have real impact, we really have to reach everybody across different demographics and levels of income. The really exciting thing for me is that what we’re seeing now after the first 6+ months in the market is that we’ve been able to reach a really diverse group of people and inspire them to take climate action with their everyday choices.”

- Jean-Louis Warnholz, Founder & CEO of Future

Incentivizing climate-friendly purchases and practices with cash back and prize programs.

Individual choices can marginally help reduce emissions, but large scale consumer changes can create significant corporate shifts that create large scale impact.

Future has partnerships with Visa, Imprint and several merchants to create emission reduction incentives, for example by promoting public and shared mobility, plant-forward foods and circular purchases like used clothing — which can create gigatons of carbon reduction at scale. Future also helps consumers understand their overall impact through their FutureScore and feeds the aggregate data back to corporations to influence their product offerings.