Manifest Climate

Toronto, ON

“If business leaders actually understand the enormity of the climate crisis from a business perspective, it’ll be a no brainer to have a higher carbon price, to say we no longer burn fossil fuels. By actually internalizing the risk and the potential opportunity to individual businesses, I believe we’re going to accelerate the change to a more sustainable future – because no business wants to be around in a climate adjusted future if they actually think about it.”

- Laura Zizzo, Founder & CEO of Manifest Climate

intuitive climate intelligence for large asset holders and corporations to assess, report, and manage their environmental disclosures.

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations are quickly becoming the leading framework for disclosing and managing companies’ environmental impact, opportunities, and risks – though only a small fraction of consulting companies have the expertise necessary to implement aligned reporting practices. 

Manifest Climate’s platform streamlines the reporting process, allowing improved climate related disclosure and governance. Manifest Climate allows companies to recognize meaningful cost and time savings as compared to alternative approaches.