The Great Attraction

We’ve mentioned it plenty of times before but it bears repeating: for our companies to compete and succeed, they must attract and retain exceptional talent. Filling sales, tech and operations roles with high-quality candidates is fundamental to the growth of our portfolio companies, and their ability to reduce emissions at scale. Yet the talent market is increasingly competitive. Compounding the industry-wide need is the ‘great resignation’ wherein record numbers of workers are leaving their jobs. Globally, talented people are in search of flexibility, autonomy, belonging and purpose. But, in times of transition there is oppourtunity! 


Earlier this month, we hosted our founders for another installment of our in-house learning collective ‘Active Academy’ focused on attracting key talent. Our guest speaker was Craig Miller, CMO and CPO of Shopify during its rocketship growth. Strategizing when/how to make a key hire, when to promote from within and when to recruit were all hot topics … but potentially the biggest takeaway was around how to create a high performing culture. Winning the 'great attraction' will require an alignment of mission, culture, incentives and performance so that world-changing ideas can attract the world-class talent they need. 


Rain or shine, the race to Net Zero is on! 


Ocean obsessed