Ocean obsessed

It’s important for us to keep our minds on the natural systems that regulate the climate while we are searching for technological solutions to mitigate climate change. Last month, our own Sophie Endl led a ‘Lunch & Learn’ session on the key role the ocean plays in the context of climate change and how we can invest for meaningful impact. The ocean regulates global weather systems and stores carbon through circulation — one third of all the carbon emitted by humans over the past 200 years is stored in the ocean and 83% of the global carbon cycle is circulated through the ocean. Even the creatures, like whales, contribute to the climate we all depend on. Whales accumulate carbon throughout their lives by eating phytoplankton, which is eventually stored at the bottom of the ocean when they die. A large whale sequesters about 33 tons of CO2 over its lifetime while a tree only absorbs up to 48 pounds per year!
We hear a lot about the negative impacts human activity and climate change are having on the ocean: rising sea levels, acidification, pollution, overfishing and eutrophication (when fertilizer causes abnormal algae blooms that deplete oxygen levels) — but we also need to keep in mind the positive contributions of natural systems so we can encourage investment and innovation. And even more reason to enjoy and appreciate your next scenic gaze at the ocean ... like we did while kayaking (see pic above). 


The Great Attraction


Climate realists, optimists and Canada’s next rule makers!