Climate realists, optimists and Canada’s next rule makers!

What kind of climate investor would we be if we didn’t talk about the latest IPCC Report that dropped on August 9? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the first of three installments of the Sixth Assessment Report earlier this month. The big takeaway is the certainty in the link between human-emitted carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, rising global temperatures, and accelerating climate impacts. The report’s analysis of thousands of climate models gives detailed projections about possible future scenarios which — and this is crucial — depend on the choices we make about carbon today.

Bill Gates’s How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (a regular fixture on desks in our office) breaks the 51B tonne per year carbon problem into digestible segments: 

If you’re looking for an antidote to climate doomsday-ism, we recommend Tony Seba’s RethinkX: Rethinking Climate Change, which details the groundwork that’s been laid in the energy, transportation, and food sectors for exponential growth in sustainability that will eliminate 90% of net greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. Moreover, (and this view is shared by Gates) the technologies needed are either commercially viable now or can be by 2025 with the right societal choices. Of the nine implications of the disruptions, “#4: Decarbonizing the global economy will not be costly, it will instead save trillions of dollars” needs special emphasis going into the Canadian federal election. 

We’re not going to tell you who to vote for … let’s just all agree that action and collaboration is urgently needed … and what better time to demand it than today, from leaders vying for your vote?


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